We Offer All the Benefits
Weather related content gets people’s attention, almost no matter what. This fact alone means that weather increases the value of advertising in every media. With EZ-DigiSign Weather Signage you get dependable, up-to-date local weather that is custom tailored to your needs.
You can rely on the weather that comes from EZ-DigiSign because our feeds come directly from federal weather feeds made available by www.weather.gov.
Our weather is kept up-to-date with real-time feeds coming from federal weather stations around the country. Your weather advertising will always show the lastest weather anywhere.
No matter where your EZ-DigiSign is located, the local weather can be displayed. From our feed you can get the weather that matters the most to you and your business and have it customized to fit you specific needs.
EZ-DigiSign Weather comes to you at an affordable cost that is sure to be one of the lowest rates you will find in the market. With these low rates and the increased advertising potential that EZ-DigiSign Weather brings, you can expect great things for your business.